Last Minute Valentines Day Garland

This year is our thirteenth Valentines day together! Over the years, we've sort of got out of the habit of celebrating it (in fact the only time I've ever received a valentines card was when I was about 15, and D's Mum bought him one to give to me, horrified that he wasn't going to get me one!) Since then, we haven't bought each other cards for any occasion, but we have some times bought each other little valentines presents, or gone out for a meal together.

This year though, on our first Valentines day as Husband and Wife, D has gone to work at a recording studio (though I suspect he is really just drinking snazzy coffee...the studio owner also runs a coffee shop next door, with the most amazing in house roasted coffee and cold brew!) and I have been food shopping, cleaning, and chasing after the cat who had an unfortunate litter box/part digested thread/poo disaster which meant I have bleached the kitchen floor and thrown away the door mat.

So, to make myself feel just a little more festive, I bought myself a bunch of tulips, and spent a couple of hours making something to make the house feel a bit more festive. I got the idea from Molly at Almost Makes Perfect. Her lovely garland was made from bare wood hearts, but I fancied something with a little more colour...and glitter (we had loads of gold glitter left over from the wedding)

I used masking tape cut into different widths to mask off the lines, and painted the gaps with pink acrylic paint, or pva, then sprinkled the gluey areas with glitter. I also painted the edges of some of the hearts with glue, and sprinkled glitter on them too. Then I taped them all to a length of pink twine, and strung the garland up above our rather unorganised mantlepiece. I'm quite pleased with it!

Happy Valentines Day! 

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