Into the Woods

Last Sunday, we were on the verge of getting cabin fever after a really busy week with far too many things to think about and too much time indoors. The sale and purchase of houses is ticking along, but we've had a few minor hiccups which are pretty complicated, I'm trying to get several projects finished before packing away the sewing room, and we just needed some air.

So, we wrapped up warm and went to the woods. Sisland Carr is about 5 minutes from us, up a very very bumpy and muddy track which definitely didn't do the car any favours. It was worth it though. We heard about it from a friend who said it is one of the best places to see bluebells, and while they're obviously not out yet, the little shoots are already beginning to show though soil, and it looks like there will be hundreds upon hundreds of them!

Sisland is a relatively new wood, and there is a real mixture of different trees, from tiny saplings to much older trees with thick gnarly bark and moss growing all over their trunks. It's quite open, but really quiet, and it was a lovely to explore with the unseasonably bright and warm sunshine filtering through the branches. We found some rabbit holes, although no sign of rabbits, a few mushrooms and some bird houses. I'm guessing that as well as bluebells, it's a bit early for nesting birds, so we're definitely going to go back in the spring. 

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