A Sunday Well Spent (Hot Chocolate, Pine Woods, and Coffee in Wells-Next-The-Sea)

D and I only get Sundays off together now (which is a bit of a pain) so we've been trying to make the most of them, make sure I have a proper day off (after my near burn out a few weeks ago) and to do a few of those things we're always saying we should do! 

This Sunday, it was freezing cold but the sky was really clear so we decided to tick an item off our Autumn bucket list and head over to Wells-next-the-Sea on the North Norfolk coast. 

The town of Wells-next-the-Sea isn't actually next to the sea at all, but approximately a mile away, along a raised path which runs along side the harbour. The beach is vast and backed by a pine forest, and we had a lovely wander along the sand, looking for the most unusual beach huts and smiling at their names. 

We took the camping stove along with us, and before we left I made up some hot chocolate to warm up on the beach. We had to make a sort of nest next to the groyne as it was quite breezy in the open and the flame kept blowing out!  

This guy strolled over for a sniff at what we were up to! There were so many adorable dogs on the beach, rolling about in the sand and splashing though the waves. I must admit that, cute as they were, I couldn't help but imagine the sandy mess in the back of the car...I think we'll stick with the cat! 

The bakery I work at makes the best marshmallows, spiced cherry for me and D had some maple and pecan ones! 

Just behind the beach is a densely packed pine forest, accessed by a flight of steps. It always reminds me of the Enchanted Forest where the Magic Faraway Tree is. 

I did a bit of tree climbing and practiced my 'cactus-arms' - some of the trees have grown in such bizarre directions and definitely seem to have a life if their own. I collected some pine cones too which are now drying out ready to be sprayed copper and hung on the christmas tree (another bucket list item ticked off!)  

We then dropped the hot chocolate things off in the car, and walked the mile or so into town. I stopped to run down the slope into the harbour quite a few times to take pictures of the little rowing boats. Some of them had very grand names, 'Blue Celeste' or 'Moanin Moo' - but my favourite was called 'Bill' which made us laugh a little more than it should have! 

One of our favourite places for coffee Grey Seal is in Wells, as are two of my favourite shops! We stopped for a while with a coffee and a cake, then meandered through town to Nomad and The Bowerbird and Bringing the Outside In (which are joined together with a pleasing neon banner!)

We bought a few Christmas decorations, and I cooed over the quilted yellow sweatshirt of dreams! By now darkness was threatening, so we headed back along the path to the car.

A Sunday well spent indeed! I always feel so much better for having spent a while day outside in the air, and especially if that air is rolling in from the sea.


  1. The perfect Sunday! Love the spray pine cone idea for the Christmas tree.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday! We're hoping to see more of Norfolk next year on our visits to the mother in law, do a little more exploring and hopefully see some of Norfolk's famous seaside spots :) I'll be sure to add this place to the list, it looks gorgeous...and there's something particularly special about a trip to the sea when it's cold. C x

  3. what a lovely place!! I spend so much time at home lately, looking at screens...no matter what the season i'm always inside. Seeing you wander around that beach and forest made me crave some outdoor living. There are similar towns near my city but there's not public transportation to get there and i don't drive :/ Side note: you are so cute together! Hope you find more days off like this one! xx
