My Real Life Christmas Wishlist

What is it about this time of year that seems to cause a huge amount of rushing about and flapping? As much as I try to avoid it, and start sorting presents and food and decorations early, I still seem to end up lost amidst a flurry of lists and recipes and sewing projects left until the last minute! 

I'm determined that's not going to happen this year - after all, I'm searching for a slower way of life! With less than a month to go until Christmas day, our shopping is finished (except for one present we're yet to find...but thats not bad going!) the outdoor freezer has been cleaned and switched on ready for mince pies and sausage rolls, and I've finished the first round of homemade presents!

Something else that inevitably happens around the end of November is that people start asking me what I might like for Christmas! Usually I have no idea, mostly because I much prefer buying presents for other people, but this year I've actually spotted a few things that I would rather like!

So, I've put together a little wish list of some things I would be chuffed to find under the tree! 

I spotted this pan in Lakeland after our trip to Wells a couple of weekends ago. I love the vintage enamel pan we use to make hot chocolate in, but it isn't really the most effective thing for pouring hot liquids from, particularly outdoors! This pan, with its little spout and lovely grey leaf design looks fab! 

I spotted this elephant dish in Anthropologie while I was in London last week and loved it immediately! I'm a bit of a sucker for elephants, especially if they're ceramic and with a tiny copper pattern! Lovely for holding earnings and rings, although he'd more than likely end up adorned with hair grips and hair bands if he took up residence in out bedroom!  

I've always enjoyed reading autobiographies, and when I picked up Sara Pascoe's 'Animal' in Foyles last week I nearly bought it there and then! I'm not usually one for overly feminist comedy or writing, but recently I've been increasingly interested in the way gender is defined and what it means to be male or female (remember my musings on the notion of 'girlboss' that caused a bit of controversy a few weeks ago?) and Sara's book immediately made me laugh! In the short part I read, she remembers the 'special assembly' we all had around the age of 12, the one where all the boys were sent out and a lady wheeled in a suitcase load of sanitary towels! It was to the letter exactly like my experience of this strange life phenomenon, and as well as being hilarious, Sara also ponders the idea that maybe the boys should have been allowed to stay...just a thought! If the rest of the book is as good I think it'll be a winner! 

I've been a big Leon fan for a while now, and was pretty excited when they announced a cook wear range for John Lewis! When I went to have a nose around it the other day I was totally taken with this   huge stock pot! We used to make a lot of stock, boiling up chicken bones or leftover veg and peelings ready for the freezer, but we've sort of fallen out of the habit since moving house. I think this lovely enameled pot would help me get back into the swing of things and it would look great out on display in the kitchen too (handy, as in real life it looks even bigger, definitely wouldn't fit in the cupboard!)

Last Christmas D surprised me with seagull earrings from Rust, and this year I've got my eye on the matching necklace! I adore Rust jewellery and have a couple of pieces now, and seagulls have a special place in my heart after spending Summers in Cornwall, listening to them chatting away as they soar over head. I'm also a big fan of simple jewellery and this is just that! Theres also a beautiful little boat pendant too...just sayin'.... 

This book as been on my radar for a while now, and I mean to buy it then it slips my mind for a while before popping up again, so I think it's about time I owned it! We're planning a bit of a decorating mission in 2017, and this will be an amazing source of inspiration I think. One of the featured homes is that of Victoria Suffield who runs The Hambledon in Winchester which I adored when I visited earlier this year, as well as many other inspiring spaces. 

Last on the list is this print by Lisa Congdon who's opening keynote at Blogtacular this year continues to inspire and comfort me when the dreaded imposter syndrome strikes!  With all that hideous things going on in the world at the moment, I'm thinking its more and more important to build bridges and foster relationships, and be the change we want to see - however, sometimes hiding at home and pretending the world isn't there works too!


There we have it! It's December tomorrow - seems hard to believe doesn't it! I'm working at the bakery lots over the next few weeks which wasn't quite what I has planned for the lead up to the festive season, but that's the way things have worked out! I'll try and be here as much as possible though, and will at the very least be sharing what I've making and getting up to over on Instagram! 

Enjoy the last few days of November folks, it's nearly time to watch Elf!  

1 comment

  1. Hope Father Christmas is kind to you! You're certainly on my nice list xxx
