Spotlight: Bloom Remedies (plus 15% off for readers)

Today, I'm very excited to be brining you November's spotlight post! 

This month I have a fab interview with Marie from Bloom Remedies, a Cornwall based aromatherapy  company I discovered while we were on holiday there in May. I recently featured their wonderful essential oil blends in a Wednesday Wishlist, and I use their products every day so I was really eager to find out more about creator and founder Marie, and her fascination with flowers! It's a wonderful interview, and I really hope you enjoy it. 

Marie has a also very kindly offered The Salted Tail readers a special 15% discount off everything in the Bloom Remedies range, including the really beautiful sounding Restorative Rose range which Marie was yet to launch when this interview took place but is now available! 

Over to Marie - grab a cup of something calming and enjoy, lovely people!

1. Can you introduce yourself and your business and describe what it is you do?

I'm Marie Hall, the creator and founder behind Bloom Remedies, affectionately known by many of our customers and ourselves simply as Bloom.  I help organise and run the company - which involves some of the 'boring but essential' bits like paperwork, record keeping, and 'keeping the business house in order' but I also still 'create and make' and am involved a lot with direct customer contact too.  We get a lot of customer queries asking about essential oils and their therapeutic benefits - my background is in essential oil science so I love these queries, and it's amazing when an email comes your way to say that a certain complaint has been really helped by an oil that I've recommended.  Natures remedies are my favourite!

2. You say you have a 'Fascination with Flowers', how did this begin, and how does it continue to influence your products?

The fascination with flowers began early.  I grew up with a family of gardeners, we had a massive allotment and we always grew our food organically long before the word 'organic' became a buzz word.  We would companion-plant to deter certain pests and I became intrigued and amazed by the way in which nature could be relied upon to sort out 'problems and pests' if encouraged to.  We always grew wild flowers on the plot and had bunches of them around the house across the year and I would, when bored, make little potions with them and attempt to infuse waters and oils with their fragrance.  It was a bit hippy, but it was blissful and my love of nature and flowers definitely came from the hours and hours of contact I had with it during my childhood.

3. I adore Cornwall and as soon as I arrive in the county I'm hit with a wave of inspiration. How does Cornwall inspire you?

It's so beautiful I hardly know where to start - the skies, the views, the space beyond when you stare across the sea at the horizon, the feeling of ancient living that has gone here before us - particularly in our base of West Cornwall where there are so many Celtic sites.  It's a beautiful, wild, rugged and free place.  In spring the hedgerows are alive in a way that I have yet to see anywhere else and for a flower lover like myself it is paradise!

4. I love that you keep your prices 'inclusive' so your products are accessible to everyone. Do you think self-care goes beyond the surface?

Absolutely, self care involves so much more than surface level care.  I think we live in a mad dash society and the need for a bit of 'time' during the day to stop and reflect on ourselves, where we are at, how we are feeling, has been lost along the way.  I love our wellness ranges because they encourage you to self reflect and self care from the inside out - if you're feeling low, then uplift your spirits with some Ginger, Lemongrass and Lime from our Deep Release products.  If you're feeling tense - then reach for Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood and Lavender in our Serenity Slumber range.  I love the way aroma can reach to the 'inside' of a person and help with the ritual of self care.

5. What is your favourite ingredient to use and why?

It changes all the time but it is always an essential oil rather than a base oil, and at the moment my newest-yet-to-launch blend (Restorative Rose) is perfect for where I'm at.  I often find that I 'create' products that are perfect for my needs at that time, then I offer them out to the public and realise that there is a whole audience out there with the same need.  The Restorative Rose blend contains Rose which is a heart nurturer and definitely links to Self Care and Self Love and Support.  It also contains Cedarwood - all about inner strength, and Rose Geranium - all about Balance and these are another two of my favourite essential oils. 


It's relaxing just reading it isn't it? Oh to be in Cornwall! 

If you'd like to try some of Marie's wonderful products for yourself (I can highly recommend the Serenity Slumber range) she is offering 15% off everything for The Salted Tail readers until the end of November, just enter the code salted15 when prompted at the checkout! 

Thank you again to Marie for another great interview! I do hope you're enjoying this series of posts, and would really love some feedback if anyone feels like sharing! This will be the last one of 2016, but they will be back again in the New Year and I have some more fantastic ones up my sleeve! 

(All images from Bloom Remedies) 

1 comment

  1. I have been waiting for this interview ever since you talked about some of these products in one of your wishlists! Really enjoyed reading the interview, made me want to plan another trip to's been so long since I was last there. In the meantime, I'm going to treat myself to something from the Serenity Slumber range instead :) C x
