Delicious Miss Dahl

I've spent this evening sitting on the sofa in my pyjamas and a jumper, with the cat on my lap, and a hot chocolate, binge watching Sophie Dahl's TV show, which was on a few years ago and which I finally managed to find on DVD (from Australia!)

I am totally in love with this woman, and until this evening I'd sort of forgotten how much. She's stunning, hilarious, a proper foodie and I would like to steal all of her clothes! A quote from her programme inspired the first name this blog had ('That is This and This is Heaven' - she was talking about the way her peanut butter fudge embodied the salty lipped sensation of eating an ice cream on the beach as a child) and I've grinned with joy a several times while listening to her muse about the poetry of food.

I wrote a couple of posts linked to Sophie Dahl in the very early days of my blogging career, and I thought I would share them again now:

The first, about how I would happily wake up to find I had become her (not strictly true anymore, as I feel much more comfortable about waking up myself these days, but still fairly relevant!)

And the second, a review of 'Playing with the Grown Ups', which has reminded me how much I loved it and prompted me to add it to my list of books to read this year.

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