DIY Tutorial: Super Speedy Sparkly Banners

I've written in the past about how I suddenly get inspired to make something at 9.30, when it's already dark and I should really be thinking about going to bed, but hard as I try to write a list and do it the day after, invariably the same thing happens the following night! 

This was the case with these sparkly banners I made to instil a bit of Autumn cheer so the photos aren't the best I'm afraid! They're basically a smaller version of the 'Best Day Ever' banner I made for our wedding and thanks to the power that is glitter they're really simple but end up looking quite effective. 

First, print out the letters you need at the site you'd like your finished banner to be. The font is up to you but it does need to be chunky enough to cut out without being too flimsy.

Cut out all your letters. I realised after that I didn't actually need two letter Us and could have just reused one twice - it was late. 

Next, locate some glittery paper. I had a pad of this one from Hobbycraft left over from the wedding, and I imagine the with Christmas looming it should still be available. I lost quite a few minutes deliberating over which colour to use - I've got a bit of a copper thing going on at the moment so was tempted by the coppery glitter, theres also a lovely champagney one, but I think that might be more suited to Christmas.

In the end I chose the most yellow gold. Flip it over, and arrange your paper letters face down on the back. Remember they need to be backwards so that when you turn them over to the glitter side they're the right way round (the words grandmother and eggs are coming to mind here - I'm sure you all know how to do this!)

Now using tiny pieces of tape, (or glue dots/hot glue) attach your letters to some ribbon, twine or other means of hanging. I went for red and white bakers twine. 

So there you have it! Really really simple and you can make them say whatever you fancy! I'm definitely planning to make more of these for other occasions too - I think a halloween one might be in order very soon!


  1. Super easy! I'm gonna make it and hang it up on my wall. And will add a #indenial at the end xD

    1. Haha oh dear, bless you! Again, you wishing you were here makes me truly appreciate living in the UK! xxx

    2. i'm reaching to the point of annoying the whole internet with it, in every corner of social media xD I'm sorry!! I'll stop eventually haha

  2. Oh man, do I love that saying: "Autumn Get Cosy". Brilliant! And it's so pretty the way it sparkles :)


    1. Thank you! I've just got my hands on some black glittery paper too for a Halloween banner in a few weeks time! x
