It's Time For An Adventure

"You've always told me we can do anything, and that one day we'll rule the world. Today, we finally become part of the same team, and the whole world is waiting for us"


When we got married last year, we wrote our own wedding vows, and although we wrote them in secret, they were remarkably similar, and we both promised to make the rest of our lives an adventure. Well, it certainly will be from now!

A lot has changed for us in the last few months. We've moved house, taken on a bigger mortgage, I quit my job and set out on the adventure that is life as a freelancer.

We knew things would be tight money wise - but we also knew we could make it work. I've talked a lot in the last few posts about reducing our spending, bringing my library card out of retirement, and about how were are making an effort to spend our hard earned money only on things which we truly need, and which support local or independent businesses and makers rather than continuing to pump money into huge commercial companies.

Well, we've had a few weeks to get used to this - and it was all going well. We were feeling optimistic, excited at the prospect of my new found freedom to plough my own furrow.

However, the universe apparently felt we needed an even bigger challenge, and due to some unforeseen work circumstances - my husband will be taking redundancy and will also be working freelance as of next week.

This is not what we had planned.

Or, to put an even finer point on the situation...


However, terrifying as the situation is, instead of hiding in the cupboard under the stairs and hoping the world will go away - we're preparing ourselves to tackle it head on. You'll notice I haven't ever referred to either of us as 'unemployed' - we are both now determined to make an amazing future for ourselves, by ourselves.

I talked before about my new mantra - 'jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down', well, now we've both been pushed off an even taller cliff and we're gathering feathers as fast as we can.


  1. I have a large collection of feathers - feel free to borrow if ever you need to x

    1. Thank you - what ever would I do without you - seriously! x

  2. I completely understand what you're going through. A few years ago, shortly after my (now!) husband and I had moved in together, he was made redundant. A terrifying nightmare to begin with but these things really can be the making of you. I have no doubt you'll both succeed!

    Also, gorgeous wedding photo!

    C x

    PS: hello! Have only recently discovered your blog!

    1. Hello! I'm really glad you've discovered The Salted Tail too! Yes - it is terrifying at the moment, but we're very positive and are seeing it as the chance to do amazing things! Thank you for your support lovely - it means a lot! x
