Currently Coveting - Wednesday Wishlist

Wednesday seems to have come round super quickly this week - I'm not sure what's happening but even though I'm not working 9-5 anymore the days seem to be slipping past faster and faster!

I'm technically still on my summer holidays (as if I hadn't left my old job I wouldn't have gone back until the beginning of September) but obviously given our current situation, breakfast in bed and reading in the garden aren't exactly on my to do list, so I've been pretty busy filling up the days.

One of those day filling activities has been gathering together some beautiful things I've spotted for this weeks currently coveting round up. It's a mixed bag this week, however I really enjoyed doing The Bookshop Edition last week and I'm toying with the idea of giving each week a theme. I'd really like some feedback on what you'd like to see, so if you've got a moment after you've had a look at this weeks offering, I would really appreciate it if you could answer the poll at the bottom of the post!

On to the beautiful things...

The first is this Resin Boulder Pepper Grinder from Dinosaur Designs. It's made from resin but it has a wonderful stone like quality, and those of you that remember my degree show will know why I gasped and cried "D - I'm in love with a pepper grinder" earlier this week. I'm always drawn to stacks, and specifically stacks of stones, and this is perfect! Dinosaur Designs have some really beautiful organic resin pieces, both homewares and jewellery and I feel like I'll definitely keep them bookmarked for later - everything has that wonderfully 'pebbly' quality that I just adore 

(Update - I've just looked through the entire jewellery collection and discovered that there is indeed a "Pebble" Bangle - you see, pebbly should definitely be a more commonly used adjective! 

Next up is this long sleeved t-shirt from The Beat Clothing Co. on Etsy. One of my favourite quotes, and one I often remind myself of when I'm having one of those 'arghhh - I can't do this' moments is from Jack Kerouac:

"Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain"

I find it really helpful because I really did climb a mountain! Eight years ago, I went to Africa (on my own!) and climbed Kilimanjaro! I won't go into it now, but it was hands down the hardest thing I have ever done, and while I was up there I made a pact with myself - I promised myself that if I ever felt like I couldn't do something, I would remind myself of how hard it was to climb a mountain and realise that whatever the thing was that I didn't think I could do, it likely wouldn't be as hard as climbing a mountain - and I was doing that right now!! Years on, it still helps and I often repeat "You've climbed a mountain - you've got this" to myself. 

So yes, I often search for this quote, and during a recent Etsy browse I came across this t-shirt, and my coveting of it fairly self explanatory! I love it even more because the print is on the back, and most of my wardrobe is fairly simple basics so this would fit in well! 

Next on my list are these simply superb set of three clouds from Pili Pala, an Australian homeware and jewellery studio who's items are all handmade and designed in Australia. There are some really wonderful pieces on the website, but it was these sea themed clouds which really took my fancy. The illustrations are from a vintage story book, and they are designed as a play on the 1950's three flying ducks wall hangings. They can be hung on a wall (as per the ducks!) or they can also be displayed freestanding. I feel these would be great in a nursery, but some of the other designs would be great all over the house. I'm also very much liking the Mountains range, and there are tiny also tiny cloud brooches too! I'm really pleased I discovered Pila Pala, and will definitely keep checking back - the way the name came about is adorable too, have a read here

Next is the work of Suzanne Sullivan, a ceramicist who I really wish I could give you more information about - but it's proving difficult to find! I came across this an image of some wonderfully wonky pottery on Pinterest, and was immediately drawn the the juxtaposition of glossy, metallic glaze and pottery underneath with its wobbly finish and obvious makers marks. I really love them, but apart from Suzanne's Instagram account I can;t find anything else about her! I'm on the case, and will report back once I've (hopefully) been in touch, but until then, do head over and have a look at her Instagram feed - it's beautiful!    

I don't think Bobo Choses have featured in a wishlist post before, but every so often I'll pop over to the website, have a browse, let out a big sigh of "oh I need to win the lottery" then pin a few pieces and move away! Last seasons range (Spring/Summer 2016) was very art inspired and there were so many pieces I just loved. It's even more difficult to resist them now many of them are on sale - but I must resist! 

The first is the David 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt which is my favourite t-shirt shape, one of my favourite combinations of colours and so painterly - it would go with pretty much everything I own which makes not buying it even more difficult! 

The second is the Matisse Blouse - and the print is amazing! I don't wear too many patterns or especially bright colours but I love this, the colours are just slightly muted and the shape is that square, boxy shape I'm always drawn to. The print is also used on lots of kids pieces pop over and admire...this romper is too cute! 

Lastly is the Babaa Tee - it's a cotton knitted t-shirt, which has been printed to look like it's been splashed with paint - D said "it looks like all your clothes used to look" which was supposed to put me off but just made me love it even more! This is also available in little people sizes - how cute would that be! 

Rather than pining over these beautiful things I cannot own - I'm going to use these three pieces as DIY inspiration - some sewing, some printing and possibly some paint flinging! Watch this space! 

I do hope you enjoyed this weeks round up - again, I would really really appreciate it if you could quickly click the poll below to give me an idea of what you'd like to see in future! 

Thank you ever so much! 

How would you prefer future Wednesday Wishlist posts?

Weekly Theme
A Mixed Round-Up
quiz generator


  1. Ooh I adore the clouds! I've just been happily browsing their website and echo your lottery-winning wish! Wonderful round-up :) C x

    1. They have some really beautiful things don't they - I love some of the jewellery pieces too! Glad you enjoyed - how did you vote? x

    2. I voted for a mixed round-up - I thought a weekly theme might be good occasionally (seasonal, for example) but I do love an eclectic mix so that won out! x

  2. Yes I like the idea of a seasonal theme too - you might be on to a winner there. Thank you for your thoughts lovely xxx
