When Something Sneaks in and Makes Itself at Home

A couple of things have made their way into my life recently, and it's surprised me how quickly they've become things I can't live without.

The first is matcha green tea. I've been a daily green tea drinker for years, and tend to favour a lemon, or mint one over just green tea on it's own, but enjoy it most ways. I bought a tin of matcha a couple of years ago, and would have it occasionally, but found it so much more faff than a bag so I didn't become hooked. However, since I did the Tea Pigs Matcha Challenge for two weeks and made matcha a proper habit, it's lodged itself firmly in the 'You Can't Live Without Me' corner of my brain! My absolute favourite way to drink it is as a sort of 'latte', with steamed almond milk, cinnamon and a little honey, although some mornings if I'm in a rush I'll just mix it with some hot water and give it a good whisk to try and dispel the inevitable lumps.

Since I've been drinking it daily I definitely have more energy, my skin (particularly around my eyes) is clearer, smoother, and brighter somehow, as though it has more of a glow to it. Matcha is supposed to have weight loss benefits too, but as I'm not trying to lose weight and don't weight myself regularly I can't vouch for that, all I know it that I love it, it's here to stay and I'm off to buy some more!

The second thing that's become an almost daily necessity for me is my yoga practice (it feels so, so good to finally say I have a yoga practice after years of thinking 'I really should do that one day') As I wrote a few weeks ago, I found a class locally that I've been really enjoying, and for the first few weeks I just enjoyed the class and the calmness it brought for a day or so after. However, the longer I've been going, the more I've found myself wanting to do, and thanks to the hour I've been spending there every week I now feel confident enough in what I'm doing to roll my mat out at home and practice without an app running or a youtube video on to follow, just moving in time with my breath and doing what feels right.

Funny how things so easily become habits. Unfortunately things are pretty hectic around here at the moment, so lots of things I would like to become more habitual (you know, the nice things, reading, remembering to paint my nails) are falling by the wayside a little. Normal service will be resumed shortly I'm sure!

What things have snuck into you life and made themselves at home? I'd love to know!

(Image from Milk and Honey Luxuries - 'I Love You So Matcha' spoon, as well as lots of other really lovely hand stamped or personalised gifts and homewares are available from their shop!)


  1. Hi, coming here from Blogging from the heart. It's interesting to here that matcha is getting popular in England. I live in Japan but rarely drink it. People here often have matcha latte.
    I am a certified coffee drinker.
    Beautiful blog by the way.:-)

    1. Hi Kamsin, I'm really enjoying the course so far! Matcha is definitely getting more popular from a 'health' perspective, though unless you're in London you don't really see it in cafes or restaurants too often yet - a latte is my favourite way to have it definitely, but I do also love a good coffee (In fact my husband is currently doing some barista training in his spare time!)

      Thank you for your kind words :) x
