The Hambledon

The Hambledon in Winchester is one of those shops that seems to crop up all over the place. I quite often see it mentioned in magazines and I've read several blog posts about people visiting. Their online shop is really lovely, and their bricks and mortar shop been on my list of places to visit for a while now!

A few weeks ago while staying in Southampton with my best friend Laura, we paid a little visit to Winchester and I finally got to go!

It's just as lovely as I expected, a perfectly curated range of stationary (oh so much beautiful stationary) homeware (including lots of lovely glass and enamel) beauty products and clothing. I have said many times before that I am a big believer in shops/restaraunts/businesses that do a couple of things really really bloody well (remember the post about pizza and wine?) and The Hambledon is a great example of this, a small range of really carefully chosen items, each of which is as beautiful as every other!

I didn't buy much (because, you know, moving house/earning next to nothing...) but found some more of these glitter alphabet stickers I use for everything and always buy when I find them, and this book which I read while sat on the floor of the shop giggling! It's got some really great graphics and typography, and captures perfectly the joy a book can bring.

We didn't venture downstairs into the mens department, but the women's clothes were just my thing - perfectly made basics, mostly greys and neutrals with little pops of colour! One day when I'm rich and famous maybe...

Until then, I'll hang on for a sale and placate myself with pretty cards instead of knitwear! 

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