Twenty Seven

Last Thursday, I turned twenty seven, and I feel surprisingly weird about it. I'm definitely late twenties now, I'm three years older than my Mum was when she had me, I'm only 36 months away from thirty and I only just feel like I'm getting a handle on things. Getting married at last has helped a lot with my feeling more settled...but now I feel like I need to stop all the faffing about and waiting for things to be perfect before I do things, and just get off my bum and do them already! I'm excited and optimistic about the coming year, and I feel like a lot is going to change for us...but a bit of me still wants to just hide under a blanket and pretend I'm not getting older and that I still have all the time in the world!

On that note, I thought I'd share a few of my birthday presents, mostly from my little sister...

Firstly, a very appropriate notebook!

I think I might use it for my current mad idea...thirty things to do before I'm thirty! I've already started compiling a bit of a mental list, but writing goals down (preferably in the present tense and dating them) makes them more likely to be achieved, so I think I'm going to have a double page spread per goal...and then I'l have a bit of space for planning out each one! We'll see how it goes!

My parents have paid to renew my The Simple Things magazine subscription, but also bought me this cute little yellow house plant (this is all I know about it, cute, little and yellow...maybe one for the list: learn about plants!)

They also gave me this rather loud and incredibly patriotic bunch of flowers! Even I know flowers are not this blue naturally, but they do match the kitchen very nicely.

Jessica also bought me this hilariously cringeworthy set of pencils. I love the 'I'm kind of a big deal' one (my nickname is the 'Queen of Everything') but 'cray cray'?! Ick! They'll definitely make me smile though! 

Cat socks! Pretty self explanatory...and I love new socks.

And lastly this little print which I love! Hopefully it will make me feel a bit more cheerful in a few weeks when it's dark at 6:30 in the morning and I have to defrost the inside of my car!

 Lastly, remember how I said a few posts ago that I opened two of my presents from my bestie nearly a month early? Well I was a bit more restrained with the last one, and did manage to wait till my actual birthday! It was so worth the wait. Could a little brooch be any more perfect? She knows me better than I do sometimes I'm sure.

It's made by London based illustrator Kate Rowland, and I have my eye on lots of her other pieces already, there's a lighthouse brooch, a little greenhouse necklace and some tiny palette earrings that have given me an idea for a project with some of our leftover wedding bits!

I also had a lovely birthday dinner with my parents and sister, and it made us realise our little cottage is just too little...when you love hosting but the maximum number of additional people you can comfortably have in your house (without anyone having to sit on the floor) is two it might be time for a change of scenery...

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