Recipe: Strawberry, Halloumi and Balsamic Salad

This strawberry halloumi and balsamic salad is SO simple it probably shouldn't even be called a recipe but it was so delicious I really wanted to share! My love of balsamic knows no bounds and I honestly think it makes everything better! When paired with fruit it seems to make it taste even sweeter and it makes the perfect dressing if you're going to put fruit in a salad because it sort of convinces the fruit it's not a pudding and ties everything together! 

This is very much made to my taste, so if you fancy a bit more pepper, or a bit less balsamic - go ahead! For one serving you will need:

- A big handful of mixed peppery salad leaves (rocket and watercress work really well to balance the sweetness from the strawberries and balsamic)
- 5 or 6 strawberries (organic if possible - strawberries absorb pesticides really easily and you don't want those in your lunch!) 
- 5 (ish) slices of halloumi (when you've sliced it immediately put it in the fridge or you'll eat the lot while you wait for it to cook - such is the nature of this addictive salty treat!)
- Extra virgin olive oil
- A good quality balsamic vinegar (a cheap one just won't cut it, it needs to be lovely and thick so definitely hunt out an aged one if you can!) 
- Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

To be honest you could probably figure this out from the picture, but just incase:

- First heat up a little oil in a frying pan and fry your slices of halloumi until they're golden and just starting to crisp up. They'll take around 4-5 minutes on each side.
- Meanwhile, slice your strawberries in half, and pile them onto a plate along with a big handful of salad  leaves
- Check your halloumi and turn it over! 
- For your dressing add equal amounts of balsamic vinegar and olive oil to a small jar. Add a couple of good grinds of black pepper, a tiny pinch of sea salt (remember the halloumi is pretty salty!) and shake it up! You can just add the oil, vinegar and seasoning to the salad separately, but I like the combine them before hand.
- Add your now lovely crispy golden halloumi to the plate, pop a little more black pepper on the strawberries and maybe a couple of little drips of balsamic - and tuck in!!!

This isn't really a salad in the traditional sense given that there are only three main ingredients but sometimes something super simple just fits the bill doesn't it! I think if you wanted to make this a little more filling, some parma ham and a slice of toasted sourdough would be lovely, and you could try swapping out the strawberries for perhaps a super ripe peach or some figs when they're in season! 



  1. My god I need to try this!!! Sounds and looks so delicious!
