Currently Coveting - Wednesday Wishlist

I'm been feeling a bit rubbish this week, I think the January blues crept in just at the final moment and I  could quite happily have stayed in bed for the last two days. I don't usually buy into the whole 'New Year Blues' things, as I love the chance for a fresh start and a new outlook. However, maybe because for the first time since I was five I didn't go back to school (either for education or because that's where I worked!) I was a bit sad to see the end of Christmas and I've been really craving a bit more warmth and light!

However - it's officially the first of February and definitely time to shake off the funk! We've been sofa shopping, we're mid way through decorating our hallway and dinning room and we're also counting down the days until we head off to Cornwall for D's thirtieth birthday!

I've found some beautiful things for the wish list this week too, and a couple of them are firmly on the 'to buy post-payday' list! If you missed the wish list last week, and especially if you're a fan of a certain boy wizard, you can find it here.

My love for enamel goes on, and how adorable is this tiny tea cup from The Hambledon! Aside from sipping a hot herbal tea from it, I also imagine it would be the perfect size for a cortado, or a bullet coffee (espresso with butter and coconut oil!) which we've both discovered a bit of a fondness for recently! They're really well priced too so I feel a couple of these might be on their way to me once payday arrives! 

Since my adventure in Africa I've had a bit of an affinity with mountains! The sight of a simple snowy peak has the power to remind me that no matter how hard something may appear - I have it in me to conquer it! This delicate brass and silver necklace is pleasingly geometric and I love the way the surface catches the light - a little mountain I could wear around my neck on the hardest of days! 

I spotted this unusual ring while I was unashamedly sending D links to eternity rings I like (#sorrynotsorry!) It's so simple and subtle, but the unusual shape makes it really striking too! I think I might worry about catching it on things, but it's so pretty I think I could just about cope! 

I've featured Nor-Folk in the wishlist a few times and a practically live in my grey version of this sweatshirt! They're one of my favourite local indie brands (and we even have a couple of bits put away for our yet-to-exist children - I know...I know!) This design is a stripped back, minimalist take on their classic Nor-Folk Basics tee, and I love it! 

I stumbled across Katie Simpson's work via Instagram and fell head over heels at once. Katie is a Cornwall based painter and textile artist who totally shares my feelings about the sea! Her work aims to capture in a physical form the feeling and emotion she gleans from being by (or in) the water and allow that feeling into our everyday via textiles. I spent a long time perusing her website, and I think this cushion is my favourite - it reminds me so vividly of peering over a craggy clifftop and watching the ripples on the beach below, gazing out at nothingness all the way to the horizon, the call of seagulls overhead and hair full of salty sea spray - oh to be in Cornwall! 40 sleeps and we'll be back in St. Ives.

You can guarantee that if Leon publish a new book it will make it's way pretty quickly into the wish list, and then swiftly into our kitchen! We sampled a few dishes that are featured in the book when we were last in London and I'm rather excited to make them at home, particularly the chicken noodle soup! As usual, everything about it, from the recipes to the photography and the graphic design is delicious.

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