Wednesday Wishlist (The Wizarding Edition)

It dawned on me this morning that it has been exactly a month since Christmas day! How time flies when you're having fun!

January has been pretty eventful already, some exciting opportunities have opened up for D, and we've finally seen Harry Potter and The Cursed Child after booking the tickets 15 months ago! Obviously I can't say a single thing about it, but suffice to know that at the end of the performance, while everyone around me gave a standing ovation, I sat with my mouth open and tears pouring down my face! It's a wonderful, wondrous thing and you must see it, you just must!

The world J.K Rowling has created now extends far beyond the seven book series; Fantastic Beasts has transported us back to the 1920's and we are beginning to learn more about the wizarding world in America. The Cursed child gives us an insight into Harry's life 30 years after we met 'the boy who lived' in the first chapter of The Philosopher's stone, and Pottermore gives us even more insights into the lives of these characters. There's promise of even more with four more Fantastic Beasts films to come. Rumour has it Dumbledore will be back to battle Grindelwald in the final instalment and we'll also learn more about Parisian witches and wizards.

I have adored all of it since I was small (I was 11, prime Hogwarts age, when I first read The Philosophers Stone), and I truly believe there are so many lessons to be learned from the books, because, magical or not, Harry and the others are dealing with the things us humans have to deal with everyday: courage in the face of adversity, prejudice based of your background or upbringing, world leaders who are all about power and hatred (I can't be the only one who felt like it was the day after the final task of the Triwizard Tournament on the day a certain president was elected?) and the simplest of things that are often made the most complicated, love, death, trust and friendship. I've grown up with it, I sleep with the audio books playing every single night (it's playing right now!) and I have the Howarts motto tattooed on one foot and a quote about love from Hermione on the other. As my creative writing tutor at uni one observed, I no longer meerly like it - I need it!

And so, with that in mind, I have put together a wizarding wishlist, some of my most coveted Potter (and beyond) themed items - grab a cup of tea (pumpkin juice, butterbeer or fire whiskey perhaps?) and enjoy!

Of all the inspirational quotes that could be pulled from the series, this is one of my favourites. Ginny Weasley, reminding us all that sometimes all you need to do is pull your bravery hat firmly onto your head and go for it! Also - I'm all for subtlety, and this coral print with it's pretty brushed font doesn't scream 'I'm a Potterhead with a serious merchandise problem!'

An excellent reminder that, while Google (and Pinterest!) may have all the answers these days, sometimes nothing beats a trip to the library! Perfect for bringing your books home, or carting them to your favourite coffee shop to while away the afternoon in another world.

One of Hermione's most well known lines from The Philosophers Stone, during that tricky first charms class. Who'd have thought that the children who struggled to levitate feathers would end up saving the world! These pin badges come in house colours (mine would be blue for Ravenclaw - obviously!) and there's also an iron on patch! 

This combines two of my favourite things - magic and enamel! Perfect for a comforting mug of hot chocolate when you need to remind yourself to surround yourself in positivity and not let Dursley-ish types get under your skin!  

This is my favourite item of all! So much so that I might have to treat myself. I love the quote about opening up the brick wall, the way the road from Charring Cross travels right through the Leaky Cauldron and into the magical street beyond and all the little details, scissors on top of Madam Malkins, and the wonky facade of Gringotts! This is also available as a postcard, and theres a Hogsmead postcard too which is equally beautiful! 

Not specifically a Harry Potter item, but I love the idea of wearing a little pair of antlers like a lucky charm - a patronus amulet to bring you protection from the sometimes scary adult world! I think the gold one is my favourite! 

If you're in London and a fan of Harry Potter, House of MiniLima in definitely worth visiting! It's a gallery-come-shop showcasing the work of Miraphora (Mina) and Eduardo (Lima) who met while working on the graphic design for the Potter films! The little details are some of my favourite parts of the films, the newspapers, product packaging, leaflets and book covers and the pair designed it all! They also worked on Fantastic Beasts and the gallery has recently added a floor devoted to pieces from the new film. This alphabet is one of my favourite pieces! It's hanging on the wall of baby Harry's bedroom in Goodric's Hollow and I'd love to hang in it a babies bedroom one day - got to start them young after all! 


  1. I'm a Ravenclaw too! *high fives*
    I was quite older when the books came out (17) and did not pay any attention to them. I read them between 2015 and 2016! For the first time! I can't say I grow up with them unfortunately... but that doesn't stop me from being a sucker for merchandising and stuff inspired in the Harry Potter world! My favourites are the - ooh, ohh, not that easy to pick a few, then- i'd say the enamel mug and the papercut map/postcard! So so pretty! I love papercut art... oh, and the totebag too! Yes. Great selection!
    You still 'owe' me a full report about the play! ;)

  2. I love absolutely everything about this post and as soon as I finish typing this comment, I'm sending a link to the page to my husband for future gift inspiration tips! ;D I would love to go to the stage play but haven't been able to get tickets's hoping one day! Also, Ravenclaw high fives! C xx
