Currently Coveting - Wednesday Wishlist {The Ceramics Edition}

Things have been a little chaotic for us these last few weeks. My sister unexpectedly moved in with us just over a week ago, along with her three house rabbits and a house load of stuff! We therefore had a couple of weeks of driving backwards and forwards to the dump to clear the garage of the huge amount of nonsense the people who lived here before us left, lugging our spare bedroom furniture (also left by the previous owners) down the stairs and into the space left in the garage, re-carpetting and decorating the spare bedroom (because nobody wants to sleep in a room with navy blue coving and a yellow wallpaper border) and then helping her move her things across the car ferry. Add to this D starting a new job, and me still being relatively new at mine and we kind of want to hide under a blanket and pretend there's no one home!

However, I'm powering through, and am here again with a beautiful collection for this week's Wednesday Wishlist! I spent some time looking over what I've been pinning and some of the images I've liked on instagram and there's been a definite ceramics theme, so here are some of my favourites!

We now have a wood burner in our living room, and one of the things I'm most excited for during the coming winter is lighting it in the afternoon and hibernating next to it, maybe wrapping some chestnuts in foil, or even warming some bread and a camembert by it! The flue goes up through our bedroom so it will be lovely to extinguish the fire before bed and still feel the warmth upstairs. Of course, to light a fire - you need some matches (unless you favour the old stick and flint method of course!) I've seen some lovely decorative boxes and even glass bottles with lovely coloured matches inside, but there's something about the simple functionality of this hand thrown and glazed one that I love! It's only 2.5 inches in diameter, and you can strike you match on the stoneware then leave it on the ledge at the bottom to cool. I really enjoy that it's self contained, no paper striking strip to get worn out and it should last forever!

These little houses caught my eye on pinterest and they're so adorably wonky! They make me think of a little tudor village, or Hogsmead! I've fallen a bit in love with them. I'm such a fickle little being - falling in love at the first sight of a wobbly bit of pottery, but I've fallen hard and I want to put them under a big glass cloche on the mantle piece like something out of the Truman Show!  

Fiona Finlay's etsy shop Stoneware Studio UK is also full of the most amazing Christmas decorations, cake toppers and sets of tiny nesting bowls which are all so up my street! I have a feeling she'll be featuring in future wish lists... 

Here's a piece from a shop which I have featured before. I'm slowly realising that everything Southwood Stores sells would fit into our home and this vase is no exception. I'm usually drawn to greys, whites, neutrals and deep inky blues, but occasionally a bit of coral or pink creeps in too! I love how flowers look when displayed in a vase with a narrower neck, and I think the pink would make it a stand out piece despite the (lovely!) neutral base. 

I first met Amanda Banham at the Norwich Makers Market, where I spotted her bear design bowls which, cliche or not are just screaming to be filled with just-right porridge! I then bumped into her again at The Good Life Experience festival (small world or what!) where I again dithered over whether or not make a purchase. I think Amanda's screen printed illustrations fit perfectly with her roughly thrown ceramics and I adore that each piece has real life and character, plus just a splash of colour which is so very me! Amanda sells her work, which is mostly one of a kind, at a few stockists, as well as craft and makers fairs


There's a definite theme to these pieces I feel, and in some ways this is reflected everything I choose to buy. They're simple and functional (even if the function is to be entirely decorative), with wonky handmade character and everything could be used in any room in the house and still work. I do hope you enjoy! 

It's nearly lunch time, and the cat is curled up next to me fast asleep. I'm going to make some lunch, then I have several pumpkin based projects to get ready for Halloween next week! On the subject of Halloween, don't forget that I'm currently running a giveaway which will be drawn on October 31st. To enter the draw to win a set of three prints from Pedlars, all you need to do is follow The Salted Tail, but head across to the giveaway post for full details.

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