Currently Coveting - Wednesday Wishlist

It feels like a very long while since I've written a wish list! With the addition of The Language Magpie on alternate Wednesdays, then my complete failure to notice the passing of Wednesday last week I suppose it has been quite a while really. 

This week calls for a general round up of bits and pieces I've spotted over the last few weeks. So, without further ado, here are five bits of beauty I am currently coveting: 

I have long been a fan of Leon, and vividly remember the day I fell in love with the cookbooks, both from a foodie perspective and also from the point of view of someone who adores the way a book feels, smells and is photographed and designed (Also, if you include stickers in your book I'll pretty much snatch it our of your hand) 

I've always enjoyed how the Leon books feel like genuine family cookbooks, with holiday photos and handwritten notes interspersed among the pages, and this theme is carried on throughout their London restaurants where you can be sure to get something tasty and healthy, and a proper cup of tea with real milk in a sensible mug!  

I'd overlooked Happy Salads for a couple of months thinking it was another of the small editions Leon have been publishing recently which have recipes taken from their previous cookbooks. I was rather excited therefore to find that this is in fact a whole new book with 100 new salad recipes! It bothers me slightly that it isn't the same shape as the others which I have grouped together in the dining room, but I still cant wait to get my hands on it! 

I spotted this dress a few days ago on the instagram feed of gorgeous Allison Sadler, and was unsurprised to find it is one of her very talented husbands creations, available in very limited numbers in their little corner of Birmingham The People Shop.  Doesn't it look like the perfect wardrobe staple, easy to wear and perfect for dressing up or down. Plus is has pockets so I'm basically sold! I'm a big fan of basics in my wardrobe, particularly a boxy t-shirt, so this is dress version immediately called out to me! Good work Mr C! 

3. An arrow tattoo

It's been nearly a year since I got my last tattoo and I'm itching for another! My sister and I are planning to get matching ones (along with my best friend who is totally part of the tribe) and we're going to go for arrows, but with lots of little symbols and geometric elements around too. We've been researching runes and are planning to add in a few meaningful marks, for protection, learning, team and friendship for instance, and we're also going to put morse code along the shaft of the main arrow, spelling 'big' in mine, 'little' in my sisters! I spotted this one on Dr Woo's instagram feed.

Like the rest of the internet, bullet journalling has pretty much changed my life! I've finally found a diary slash planner system that works for me, and while I'm not one for making it look over styled (after all, it's supposed to help me get through my to-dos not add something else to the list!) I am partial to the odd sticker. These monotone ones are from Southwood Stores, who have a whole section of their online store dedicated to bullet journaling! They're simple and functional and I particularly like the little shopping list stickers as my daily log quite often has a list for the supermarket mixed in somewhere. There are a few different sheets, but these two are my favourites! 

Will I ever tire of beautiful watercolours? I highly doubt it. This bowl caught my attention during a recent Anthropologie browse and I almost pinned it without noticing! Painterly and muted and with a pattern that continues onto the inside. Perfect! There is a whole Wildflower Study range at the moment too - I also very much like the side plate which is patterned on the reverse side too, and the napkins which would be lovely agains an all white table setting.  

I may change things up a little in future and start including more experiences in these lists - so they're not simply a list of things I would like to own, but also things I want to do, places to explore and maybe even shops and restaurants to visit. Let me know what you think...

1 comment

  1. Okay, so I now covet the book and the dress. Not the tattoo, and I clearly need a tutorial on bullet journaling! Don't think my scribbling passes muster! Lovely blog as usual x
