Currently Coveting - Wednesday Wishlist {The Back-to-School Edition}

After last weeks Wednesday Wishlist, I ran a poll to find out if you lovely people would like to see more themed posts (like this Bookshop Edition), or the usual varied selection of things I've been coveting. Themed posts proved most popular, but the difference wasn't huge, so I think I'll be doing a mixture of both. 

This week marks the last week of the school summer holidays in the UK, and even though for the first time since I was 4 I won't be going back to school (be that for education or to go to work) Nevertheless, I still love this time of year and it will always feel like the perfect time for new stationary!  So, without further ado - here is my grown-up, back-to-school wishlist....

You can't start a new school year without a new bag, right?! These lovely duffle bags are made by Norfolk based Carrier Company. Everything they make is made by hand and the materials used are traditional, and designed to get better with age. I particularly like the grey one!

Now, I know red wouldn't really be acceptable for school shoes, but given that I'm not really going back to school I think I can get away with it! These wonderful 'GladiTorius' sandals are from Shoe Embassy, where my very favourite red 'Buttermilk' shoes also came from, and if they're anything to go by these would quickly become the comfiest sandals ever! The colour is actually called 'coral' and they also come in a much more school friendly black, or 'amber' which is a lovely tan.

3. Stationary

I don't need much of an excuse to buy stationary, but if you are in need of one there is never a better time for new stationary than the start of a new term! I find these Geometry Sticky Notes from Present and Correct incredibly pleasing, especially the hexagons and the small triangles. They appeal to the minimalist in me, and I think they'd be a great addition to my carefully measured bullet journal spreads! 

This Lettermate Writing Guide is also from Present and Correct (Seriously, if you're a stationary addict with minimal funds you might want to avoid it - everything is just too beautiful) I love the packaging,  and given that I am one of those people that has trouble writing in a straight line I think it would be genuinely useful, especially as I'm re-discovering sending letters through the post recently. 

Stickers!! I do enjoy stickers, and these ones from Sticker Stack are beautiful! This might sound a bit mad, but I really like how plain they are! The colours are a little bit muted and they would be great to highlight things in my bullet journal! They're cut into cute geometric shapes, as well as pre-cut tabs and tags. Mmmm so much colourful goodness!

I could easily go on with the stationary finds, but I think I'll leave it there for today! Do let me know what you think about these themed editions - and if you missed the poll you can find it here at the end of last weeks post!  


  1. Oh my gosh, I love those bags! I always feel a particularly potent stationery buzz when I see the 'back to school' signs in the shop's the perfect excuse isn't it?! (Not that I ever really need an excuse...) I've bookmarked this post because I'm planning to start a bullet journal in January so I have a feeling that I'll need to have a little stationery shop in advance and those stickers look perfect...

    C x

    1. The bags are great aren't they - in fact everything they make is pretty great! I'm so tempted to buy the stickers, they're so simple and satisfying! I'm planning a post on how I bullet journal early next week so keep your eyes peeled - you totally don't need to wait till January - the beauty of it is you can start whenever you like, I started halfway through June! Thanks for reading lovely xxx
