Chase The Rainbow: Photo Walking London

Last week I headed down to London to spend a few days with my very best friend. I arrived much earlier than her (the perils of buying the cheapest available tickets) so had an afternoon to kill on my own, and had been musing about what I was going to do. On the train I was browsing Instagram's new stories feature and spotted Xanthe Berkley had been out photowalking again! I didn't get to Blogtacular in time for the photowalks, so I decided to spend the afternoon going on my very own colour hunt! 

Rather than just spotting colours willy-nilly, I decided to hunt in rainbow order - first looking for red, then orange, yellow, green etc. 

It was so much fun, and it's amazing how much more you notice when you look properly! I am definitely guilty of rushing around, head-down and only thinking about where I'm going. It was such a different experience walking though the city with my eyes open, looking up, exploring the side streets and letting myself get lost. Although I didn't take any especially ground breaking photos - I think I might have fallen in love with it, and I can't wait to go for a photo walk round Norwich soon. 

I got off the tube at Holborn, and walked from there through Covent Garden, down to Leister Square, along Regent Street, then Oxford Street, and finally, 20,000 steps later (!) had a sit down under a tree in Hyde Park. I of course stopped off at various places along the way - a little detour into Wholefoods, Anthropologie, Liberty (and unfortunately Primark because my shoes were hurting my feet and I wanted some socks - I will never ever go into the Oxford Street Primark again!) I also went to The Mae Deli which I've been wanted to try since it opened - it was so worth the wait and I'd love to go back for a proper meal soon! 

Anyway, here's the product of my afternoon, in rainbow order (with a few extras at the end I couldn't resist...)


  1. this is such a great idea to explore cities! And London is very colourful when you actually stop and look, isn't it? Love it!

    1. It really is! I had the best fun. Look out for the Norwich edition soon! x
