What I got for Christmas

This post is a few days later than I meant it to be. I took these photographs last week, and while it was only 3pm, all the light had had already vanished and so I resorted to clearing off the living room window sill to try and find some, which wasn't particularly successful! I was planning to take some more in better light, but I think by the time the days get bright enough it will be March and nobody will be the least bit interested in my Christmas presents!  

This year, we spent Christmas day at my sister and her boyfriend's house. We were under strict instructions to arrive at 8.30am, wearing Christmas jumpers, and we were not to open any presents before we got there!

Considering we weren't planing on buying very much for each other this year, I was very spoiled! As well as pyjamas, a small mountain of socks, chocolate and bath bits and bobs, I got some really special presents. In May this year, D and I, my sister and her boyfriend and my parents are going down to Cornwall for a week. My parents gave each of us a 'voucher' (expertly made on the computer by my Mum) for a meal at the Porthmeor Beach Cafe which D and I discovered while we were there on our honeymoon. Great minds obviously think alike, as our present to them was exactly the same thing (although we did actually book the table - so we win!) 

D's parents have bought us tickets to see Coldplay in June which I'm so so excited about! I think it's really lovely to get presents that are to be enjoyed in the future, experiences rather than things. I think I might make this a bit of a tradition, or at least try and hold the thought in my head while I'm buying presents in future. 

Of course, I did also get some lovely things.  

This is my second piece of jewellery from Rust, and as I follow designer Atremis' blog and regularly pour over her and her husband's beautiful jewellery, when I opened the little grey and gold box from my husband, I was excited to see which piece it would be! D outdid himself though, as somehow I had never see these amazing little seagull earrings before, and I love them so much!

This brilliant porcelain cat brooch was my not-so-secret-santa present from a work friend. It's just like Pastry, and reminds me of the way he looks up at you expectantly while he's waiting for his tea! It looks right at home on my pink wool coat to!

Continuing the feline theme, this somewhat more kitsch brooch was in my cracker! I made crackers for the dinner table, and bought everyone else a silly little present to put in them, and mine was entrusted to D! I think this it's brilliant (also my sister has the "Crazy Bunny Lady" one so we can look like loons together!) 

These three old books were wrapped up together from my best friend Laura, and I can't wait to find somewhere in out new house to display them. Very appropriate topics too I feel!

Also from Laura were these Kate Rowland earrings. The tag read "These reminded me of a little art project you did once", and she was right. There bear a striking resemblance to my degree show (getting on for six years ago!)

I love stationary, and this nib and amazing marbled handle that Laura found in Berlin (along with a note book, or six!) are all terribly exciting! That girl knows me well!

Someone else that knows me well bought me this hilarious t-shirt. I may not be able to convince D to eat quinoa and kale quite as much as I do, but the influence has obviously rubbed off. I think I like it even more than the Peace Love and Kale sweatshirt I wrote about in this Wishlist Wednesday post a few weeks ago!

Lastly, the most beautiful book I've ever seen (well ok, maybe not...but it comes close!) When I heard there was going to be an illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, I couldn't picture it. I imagined it would need to be enormous (which as the series progresses, they will have to be!) and I worried that somebody would just illustrate the actors and sets from the films. But, it's perfect, and the illustrations look so much more like the images I have in my head! I can't wait to read this to our children one day (because like it or not, they WILL be Harry Potter fans!)

Isn't it brilliant! I spent quite a lot of Christmas morning leafing my way through it, and even from an adults point of view there is so much to look at and point out in the pictures. I can really see this bringing the stories to life for a new generation of Harry Potter readers (listen to me...whatever do I sound like!)

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